
For your listening pleasure.


Fruit of the Drunken Tree

Cumbia, a style of Colombian folk music, was the soundtrack of Contreras’, and by extension Chula’s, childhood and makes a few appearances on this playlist. In that same vein, this playlist has songs that explore the issues faced by Colombians in the ‘90s.


Kill the Farm Boy

Much like the book it is mirrors, this playlist is lively and fast-paced. While the songs range in meaning and style, each one is generally energetic and relate to themes or characters in the book.

Convenience Store Woman

With few exceptions, Convenience Store Woman’s playlist has an overarchingly indie pop feel. Several Japanese artists appear, and the songs reflect feelings and experiences that Keiko faces throughout the book.



What better way to portray the complicated interplay of magic, political intrigue, conspiracy, and family drama than with distorted guitars and sinister melodies? This playlist is all about distortions, much like the twisted conspiracies in Witchmark.

Who Is Vera Kelly?

Aside from the tracks in this playlist that were mentioned in the book, several songs feature female-fronted acts as a nod to Vera Kelly and strong female leads everywhere.


The Word Is Murder

Murder mysteries beg for eerie violins, dark messaging, and (of course) references to death. This playlist delivers. Get ready for some music that will unsettle you in the best of ways.